In a pollution free, lush green environment, well selected Flaura & Fauna – you find this magnificent SCHOOL BUILDING – NURTURING EDUCATION FOR A BETTER FUTURE.
It is a four storeyed structure built & equipped with latest infrastructure, fully well maintained Computer rooms with wi-fi & LAN facilities, separate Labs for physics, chemistry & biology.
A Cafeteria which serves healthy and nitrite snacks, sixty well ventilated and airy, spacious rooms for academics, indoor activities like YOGA, DANCE PROJECT ROOM, MEDICAL ROOM, SPORTS ROOM etc.
A Spacious Library with reference books on all subjects and story books of all levels for developing reading skills of students.
An amphitheatre which caters to multipurpose needs of the students.
The air conditioned Reception also has 2 segments – The front desk where parents/visitors purpose of visit is channelized.
From there they are directed to the Reception hall to meet management/Principal/Vice Principal. Any personal meeting fixed after prior appointment is organized in the Conference room between the concerned staff and parent.
A Server room under close supervision of Attendant, connected to 61 C.C.T.V’s installed across the classrooms and sensitive areas in all nooks & corners, gate entry, exit areas etc.
Rest rooms being 10 on either side, on each floor hygienically cleaned & well ventilated.
A pantry room which is facilitated round the clock for serving tea and coffee to teachers and visitors.
Central Mike Announcement with Speakers in every class makes it feasible to call/inform students/teachers for conveying information, important Announcements, Address by Principal, Vice Principal/Management/conduct of assembly through the system adds to the growth of the school.
All the classes have Smart Boards with touch screen facility. Teachers use them regularly for productivity teaching Revision through Quiz, Games, Objective Exercises, M.C.Q’s, Working Diagrams make both the teaching & Revision interesting.